Whatever path I choose to pursue, I always look for people who are already where I want to be.
I like to think that I'm lazy, intentionally lazy when it comes to pursuing big things in life.
I hate reinventing the wheel (who does!) and putting myself through years of trial and error, when I can short circuit the path to success, by learning from others who’ve been where I want to be, and simply emulating them.
I’m fallable to this type of thinking because I understand one potent spiritual law:
I am the accumulation of the people I choose to surround myself with.
Hence, I find the people who are already where I want to be, and I simply copy them. It’s as simple as that!
I learn everything there is to know about them, I meditate and imagine myself having conversations with them about topics that interest me, I watch every video on the internet about them speaking, I follow through with things they recommend like books, articles, experiences; and overall, I have a burning desire deep within to connect with their energies and to raise my vibrational frequency and consciousness to their level.
I try to feel the feeling of having already connected with them on a personal level, and I hold that reality in my mind’s eye as I practice visualising this scene as clearly as possible, as often as I can.
Here’s an interesting thought to chew on that you might not have realised earlier:
Many people don't understand that what you want in life is already someone else’s life.
You can either choose to do things alone, all your life, thinking you have all the answers, or you can search for people who've walked the path you're interested in and learn from them, acquire their knowledge, experience, wisdom and perception.
Be smart. Be strategic. Identify the 20% that will get you 80% of the results you need.
The best part about this that you'll find is that, the people who've "made it", are the most aproachable people you'll find anywhere, and when you humble yourself and go to them for guidance, they will receive you with open arms and do what they can to help you on your path.
Success does not care how long you take to arrive at your destination. But it will gladly reward you, the sooner you learn how to live!
So as I’m writing this, I’m already pursuing the individuals who are exactly where I aim to be in the next 10, 20 and 30 years.
Everyday, I’m studying the people I aspire to be like, who are aligned with the path I’m on, and I’m slowly but surely recalibrating, and reconfiguring my frequency to match theirs.
Time is now my greatest asset, because in a few short years, I know I’ll be exactly where I intend to be.
Where are you headed and who are the people you can identify, are exactly where you want to be? Find them, and grow with them.
You’ll be astonished at the kind of progress you can make in a few short years!
Main Takeaways
- Success leaves clues, follow them.
- Don't reinvent the wheel when you can learn from someone experienced.
- Realise that the life you want is already someone else's life.
- Successful people love to help and are willing to be of service to you.